Monday, May 6, 2024

RPI Day 4 - Guided Reading

Just before my weekly blog post I'd like to let everyone know that we had a Kahoot to see who was paying attention the best during the day out of about 20 of us and I won, yes, Zac Moran won! Hahah

Day 4! 

I always love starting the day with how my small breakout team has been going and how my homework went.  It's a great start to the day and we are able to catch up with everyone and see how everyone has been going implementing RPI into their Reading programme. 

Just to let my readers know, I have taken a lot of screenshots this week, there were so many good slides and different things that I wanted to share with you all!

One of the first things that were talked about was the importance of having a word wall in your classroom.  I'm going to make one of these for my classroom wall and make sure that we update it weekly.

There are so many different aspects to a reading programme in a classroom, the timetable below is a great plan showing you how you can incorporate everything!  These 6 bullet points are all really important for our learners to be good readers. This leads into my next goal that I have come up with that my mentor and I discussed.  Friday is going to be whole class Poetry day and I'm going to try doing Kiri's 'Chunky Challenge' vocab game.  I'll let you all know how it goes in my next post.

One of our homework tasks was to get 2 videos of our learners and we marked how they went with their 'reading fluency' against the fluency rubric below.  I'm going to make this one of the tasks my learners will do in our response to text as a create activity.  I think it will be a good chance for my learners to listen to themselves. I can also use this rubric to mark my learners against how they did in their podcasting.

What an incredible session, I'm pretty inspired to go and teach reading tomorrow! Buuuuuut, we have camp!  We are going to start Week 2 with a bang for our Reading programme.  My new things that I'm implementing are my Poetry and Vocab Fridays. I'm also only going to be doing a 2 week rotation with my groups between podcasting and my normal reading programme with text sets and response to text activities.  Stay tuned for my next post!


  1. In terms of your Kahoot! success, I don't seem to be able to see any evidence of this, I think you need to cite your sources. (and congratulations btw)
    I think a word wall is a great idea, relatively easy to implement and maintain. I like to give my learners access to this so that they are adding words as they come up, not just teacher directed! There will be more on this next time on our vocabulary day.
    I think using the fluency rubric with your learners is going to be very worthwhile, it gives them very clear expectations and helps them self assess and make improvements. I look forward to hearing how they found using this.
    We talked quite a bit about timing and fitting in both the wide and deep that we are aiming for. I really like the solution that you and Toni came up with to make this more manageable in practice.
    Have an awesome time at camp! See you when you return!

  2. How exciting podcasting with Mr Moran. No doubt you'll have your podcast DJ/host work brilliantly along all the leaner's who will be recording. Malo lava Mr Moran. Looking forward to hearing about the 'Bang' the warriors last week ;)
