Thursday, March 11, 2021

2021 Inquiry

 I'm Back!

After 2 years in the incredible Cook Islands i'm very grateful to be teaching back at Pt England School.

This year I'm inquiring into maths, I have literacy extension and feel like these learners will be able to accelerate, however, my maths class are behind where they need to be, because of this I'm choosing to inquire into my maths teaching to see how I can accelerate their achievement.

I do think that my learners are engaged in their learning, however, feel like they are lacking in several different areas that are holding them back from achieving. 

My Question 

How can I accelerate maths achievement for my learners by engagement, online tools with using what I've been taught from DMIC also?

I'm going to keep it short and simple. 

I have 4 rotations.

- Teacher

- Follow Up Activity

- Khan Academy

- Prodigy

The digital tools I'll be using to start with are Khan academy and Prodigy, my learners are loving Prodigy and I'll keep this positive attitude towards it up.

This works perfectly with my 4 groups.  I'm going to use modelling books for each group this year and get my learners referring back to these as much as possible.  I'll do this for a term, see how I go.

Keep posted!

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